Carta regis Henrici quomodo abbatiam de Ely in episcopatum transmutavit

In nomine Sancte et individue Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Anno incarnationis Dominice M.C.Octavo, indictione ..., anno vero pontificatus domni Paschalis pape secundi decimo, regni quoque mei similiter decimo, ego Henricus providente divina clementia rex Anglorum et Normannorum dux, Willelmi magni regis filius, qui Edwardo regi hereditario iure sucessit in regnum, videns et ecclesie messem in regno meo multam esse et agricolas quidem paucos, et ob hoc plurimum laborantes in messe, et in ipsa Lincolniensem ecclesiam multa plebe fecundam, ex auctoritate et consilio predicti pape Paschalis et assensu simul et prece Rodberti Lincolniensis episcopi, qui tunc ecclesie predicte presidebat, et totius capituli sui cum ipso, annuente domno Anselmo beate memorie Cantuariensi archiepiscopo et Thoma secundo venerabili Eboracensium archiepiscopo et universis episcopis et abbatibus totius Anglie, sed et omnibus ducibus, comitibus, et principibus regni mei, Eliense monasterium, in quo quidem usque in tempora mea abbates prefuerant, cum Cantabrigensi provincia, quantum videlicet ad ius Lincolniensis ecclesie pertinebat, cum abbatiis duabus, Thorneia videlicet et Cateriht, in episcopalem sedem, sicut et ceteros episcopatus regni mei, liberam et absolutam perenniter statuo et confirmo. Et pro subiectione et omnibus episcopalibus consuetudinibus ad supradictam Lincolniensem ecclesiam pertinentibus absolvendis consilio et assensu predicti pape Pascalis de beneficiis eiusdem monasterii villam nomine Spadwic cum appendiciis suis, que in territorio Huntendonie sita est, cum omnibus consuetudinibus ad villam predictam pertinentibus supradicte Lincolniensi ecclesie et Rodberto eiusdem sedis episcopo et successoribus suis, sicut eam unquam Eliense monasterium liberius et quietius tenuit, iure perpetuo tradidi possidendam. Primum siquidem Lundoniis apud Westmonasterium in solemnitate Pentecostes de negotio isto in presentia mea coram felicis memorie Anselmo archiepiscopus et universis episcopis et abbatibus et proceribus regni mei tractatum est et eorum omnium communis assensus est favorabiliter consecutus. Post mortem vero predicti pontificis Anselmi ex auctoritate domni pape Paschalis, sicut iam supradictum est, in concilio apud castrum Notingaham habito in die translationis beate Æþeldreþe virginis sedis eiusdem feliciter per misericordiam Dei et terminatum est et definitum XVI. Kl. Novembris

faventibus et subscribentibus iis quorum annotata sunt hic tam signa quam nomina. Ego Henricus rex Anglorum subscripsi. Ego Mathildis Anglorum regina subscripsi. Ego Mathildis sponsa regis Rom’. S. Hervei Eliensis episcopi primi. S. Rogeri episcopi Saresberiensis. S. Ran’ cancellar’. S. Thome Eboracens’ archiepiscopi. S. Ric’ Baiocensis episcopi. S. Herberti Norwic’ episcopi. S Reinelm’ Heref’ episcopi. S. Rad’ R[offen]s’ episcopi. S. Ric’ Lond’ episcopi. S. Roberti Cestrens’ episcopi. S. Will’ Exoniens’ episcopi. S. Ran’ Dunelm’s episcopi. S. Roberti Linc’ episcopi. S. Roberti comitis de Mell’. S. [no name follows]. S. Willelmi comitis de Warenn’. S. Sim’ comitis. S. Stephani de Albamara. S. Rog’ comitis Pictaviens’. S. Gisl’ de Aquila. S. Willielmi de Albinni. S. Nig’ de Albinni.

Source: E.O. Blake, editor, Liber Eliensis edited for the Royal Historical Society. Camden Third Series volume xcii. 1962. pp.249,250

The charter of King Henry by which he changed the abbacy of Ely into a bishopric

In the name of the Holy and undivided Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the year of the Lord’s Incarnation 1108 [an error for 1109], of the [text missing] indiction, in the tenth year of the pontificate of the Lord Pope Paschal II, and likewise in the tenth of my reign, I, Henry, by divine providence and mercy, King of the English and Duke of the Normans, son of King William the Great, who succeeded to the kingdom by hereditary right from King Edward, seeing that the harvest of the Church in my kingdom is great but the labourers few, and therefore they must work extremely hard at the harvest, and that the church of Lincoln in particular is abundant with people, by the authority and advice of the aforesaid Pope Paschal, and likewise with the assent and at the request of Robert Bishop of Lincoln who was then presiding over the aforesaid church, and of all his chapter with him, with the approval of the lord Anselm of blessed memory Archbishop of Canterbury, and the venerable Thomas II Archbishop of York and of all the bishops and abbots of all England, and also of all the dukes, earls and leading men of my kingdom, I do establish and confirm the minster of Ely, which has been ruled by abbots up to the present time, with as much of the county of Cambridge that is under the rule of the church of Lincoln, with the two abbeys, namely Thorney and Chatteris, as an Episcopal See, like the other bishoprics of my kingdom, free and absolute for ever. And in place of the subjection and all the customary episcopal dues pertaining to the aforesaid church of Lincoln, that are to be given up, by the advice and assent of the aforesaid Pope Paschal, I conveyed one of the benefices of the same minster, the manor called Spaldwick with its appurtenances, which is situated in the county of Huntingdon, with all the customs pertaining to the aforesaid manor, to be lawfully held for ever by the aforementioned church of Lincoln and the same Robert his episcopal see and his successors, just as the minster of Ely held it freely and peacefully until now. This matter was first considered in London at Westminster, at the feast of Pentecost, in my presence and before Archbishop Anselm of happy memory and all the bishops, abbots and nobles of my kingdom and all of them by common assent agreed favourably. After the death of the aforesaid pontiff Anselm, by the authority of the Lord Pope Paschal, as already stated above, in Council held at the castle of Nottingham, on the day of the Translation of the blessed virgin Etheldreda of this See, through the mercy of God the matter is happily concluded and settled, the seventeenth day of October.

The seals and names of those supporting and in favour are listed here: I, Henry, king of the English sign. I, Mathilda, queen of the English sign. I, Mathilda, wife of the king of Rome. Hervey, first Bishop of Ely. Roger, Bishop of Salisbury. Ran' chancellor. Thomas, Archbishop of York. Richard, Bishop of Bayeux. Herbert, bishop of Norwich. Reinelm, Bishop of Hereford. Rad' Bishop of Rochester. Richard, Bishop of London. Robert, Bishop of Chester. William, Bishop of Exeter. Ranulf, Bishop of Durham. Robert, Bishop of Lincoln. Robert, Earl of Mellun. ... William, Earl of Warenne. Simon, Earl. Stephen of Albamara. Roger, Earl of Pictavia. Gisl' of Aquila. William of Alba. Nigel of Alba.

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