Brooke Foss Westcott, Bishop of Durham, Teacher of the Faith, 1901
(professor at Cambridge)
27 July

Born in 1825, Westcott was first ordained and then became a master at Harrow School. Whilst there, he published a series of scholarly works on the Bible, his expertise eventually leading to his election as Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge in 1870. With Fenton Hort and J B Lightfoot, he led a revival in British biblical studies and theology. He became influential too in the field of Anglican social thought and was significant in the founding of the Clergy Training School in Cambridge (later renamed Westcott House in his memory). In 1890, he was consecrated Bishop of Durham, where he died on this day in 1901.

If celebrated as a Lesser Festival, Common of Teachers, EH page 473

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